Call me Oscar.
^My self-summary in just one gif^
You somehow ended up on this page, so I assume you know me already. But whatever!
I was born and currently live in Russia but I have plans on moving to Namibia.
On the web, I go by a name I'm not telling you unless you're a cute girl.
Quick facts:
- This website serves no real purpose, it's just a combination of images and tunes for you to click around. Maybe you'll like it, who knows.
- I am seriously obsessed with history, because people like me always think that everything was better in the past. And it was.
- Made this site at the age of 16, so don't cringe too hard. I keep it the way it was, like a living memory.
- I made this GROOVY website all by myself! Not even dad helped me. Pretty cool, isn't it?
- You should wash sugar-coated candy, it will taste a whole lot better.
What I like:
- Girls and parties (ha-ha ;^D).
- RADICAL stuff.
- Raising heavy objects against the force of gravity.
- Winter.
- Retrofuturistic designs and art, from the times when people had a future to believe in.
- Being alone in the woods.
- No, not because I have a habit of pleasing myself in forests.
- Everything related to 80's and early 90's. Especially action films.
- Music that sounds good.
- Dizzy feeling that comes with sleep deprivation.
- Пиво.
- Classic literature.
- Classic web design.
- Classic video games.
- Classic cinema.
- Classics.
- Old little gifs.
- The Original Trilogy.
- Late Soviet Union.
- Adidas.
What I dislike:
- Anime.
- Eating in company of people who would judge you for abusing ketchup.
- The way my skin reacts to shaving.
- Fat women who could kinda look okay if they weren't so fat.
- Things that look promising but then get ruined by popularity.
- The way time goes. Too fast.
- Industrial society
- Times we live in.
- Social media.
- People with no self-respect.
- Nike.
(back to the frontpage)
If you want to say "hi", contact me through Steam: Orbusprime
Or Discord: Orbusprime#7884
And you might as well have a look at my YouTube channel!